Ten and Sixpence

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A 'bee-autiful' baby!

Post 23 July 2013 By In studio updates
A 'bee-autiful' baby A 'bee-autiful' baby Ten and Sixpence

It's a long time since the last post, but a lot has been happening! More on that later....first, I'd like to introduce a new design that's been added to our best-selling concertina card line for babies. This design started life as a custom request to create a thank you card in the same vein as the beeline range....

I love working with the beeline range so I jumped at the chance to create a baby-friendly bee design. Here's the result and I think you'll agree baby Georgiana is a most beautiful model! If you'd like to order some of these cards for your new arrival, you'll find them in the shop here: Bee-autiful Baby Cards


bee-baby 003

 bee-baby 006



More in this category: « Mother Always Knows Best...

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